I have read what I believe are all the student information sheets that have been turned in so far. Many of you have received individual email from me if there was something on your sheet that I felt was useful for me to comment on. If you have not turned in the form yet, I would like it turned in this coming week. NOT today (Sunday) -- today, you have a programming lab to work on. Several things were noteworthy on your forms. The number of lawyers in training we seem to have in the class, for example! More importantly, some of you rated your C programming skill as okay or weak. If you need help with the programming, please take advantage of any or all three of the TAs. They are here to help you. 360N is not a programming course, but we do use programming as a mechanism for nailing down concepts. It is a tool. I do not want your lack of skill in the tool to derail you in the class, so please go to the TAs for help if you need it. They will not do the work for you, but they will get you over the programming in C hurdle. Good luck in 360N. Yale Patt